Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On Pragmatism

For most of my careers as software developer and software development manager in the application development area, I tried to be pragmatic in the decisions I made and the paths I follow. Unquestionably, it served me very well to move forward in project executions and business problems resolutions. Time and again, I followed my gut and tried to be pragmatic at heart. I still remember and approve some of the decisions that I made in the past based on pragmatism – for small tactical problem resolution; when time is a big factor to provide solution; when short term gain is appropriate; and so on.

Various definitions of a pragmatist person includes: one who acts in a practical or straightforward manner; one who values practicality or pragmatism; one who acts in response to particular situations rather than upon abstract ideals; one who is willing to ignore their ideals to accomplish goals.

Web dictionary defines pragmatism as:
  1. character or conduct that emphasizes practicality.
  2. a philosophical movement or system having various forms, but generally stressing practical consequences as constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning, truth, or value.

Based on the definitions above and from my own experience, you may take that I like being pragmatic. I am indebted to all the benefits I ripped from being pragmatic in the past. I still believe being pragmatic is appropriate and beneficial in certain circumstances – most beneficial for solving tactical issues. But, I am realizing that unchecked pragmatism can be dangerous in the long term.

I am recognizing that pragmatism also:
  • limits solutions at an average level since solutions are not well thought out and solution devised as a continuation of what already exists
  • hinders progress by keeping one to the area that is well known and hence prevent from exploring new ideas
  • confines one to think in myopic terms or making one to be purposeless as opposed to having a forward looking and drive things toward a bigger goal
  • justifies short term gains over the long term benefits; as many of software development professional remember, there is a phrase coined in software development called ‘technical debt’ that I believe mostly a product of being pragmatic
  • limits, above all, one’s ability to innovate.

Michael Wade in his blog describes pragmatism’s problems. Wade states five problems with pragmatism (Wade provides fair explanations on his post):
  1. Pragmatism can be a convenient cloak for opportunism.
  2. Pragmatism can lower performance standards.
  3. Pragmatism can encourage a "can do" attitude that sacrifices action for thought.
  4. Pragmatism can be tiring. The rushed nature of pragmatism can be exhausting.
  5. Pragmatism can encourage hubris.

In conclusion, I am not discounting or ruling out being pragmatic – on the contrary, there are many situations where being pragmatic is applicable. But, you need to understand also that it limits one to an average status if kept unchecked and continuously applied in the long run. It limits thinking to be quick action oriented where an average solution is usually the outcome. It encourages a status quo or limited progress since it is evolutionary by nature. Be aware of these facts – be pragmatic on these facts.


  1. I found this entry quite interesting, in particular the effects it has encouraging Status Quo.
    Overcoming the fear of challenging Status Quo is key to progress and obtaining results that are above average.


  2. Bang on the money here. I think you have brought the key aspects of pragmatism that are sometimes not really applicable. I have realized it on occasions that pragmatism is not the answer to some of the long term strategic questions.
    Its nice to be pragmatic but at the time time is very essential to recognize when pragmatism hinders to long term goals and vision.

    Great post.

  3. Dr. Z,

    "Pragmatism can be tiring. The rushed nature of pragmatism can be exhausting."

    I frequently feel exhausted when I'm being pragmatic, and since it frequently feels like I'm taking shortcuts I always am hard on myself about it.

    Appreciate the validation.
